Topic(题目):Design, performance, and application of the SRF Gun II at HZDR
Date(时间): 7月18日(星期二)上午9:30
Contact Person(联系人):黄森林(
Superconducting RF guns are able to generate continuous-wave (CW) electron beams with high average current and high brightness. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden- Rossendorf (HZDR) SRF Gun II is the worldwide unique SRF gun used for user operation, which has been applied to generate short electron pulses for THz superradiant beamline at electron linac for beams with high brilliance and low emittance (ELBE). After a period of commissioning, the routine operation of the SRF gun II is possible after 2017 and now more than 1800 hours of user beam is available every year. It is operated with a gradient of 8 MV/m, providing bunch charges of 200~300 pC at typical repetition rates of 100 kHz. A total number of 24 cathodes (2 Cu, 12 Mg, 10 Cs2Te) have been used inside since then, without observing serious cavity degradation. The speaker will present the design and performance of the SRF gun II, also its application for production of coherent terahertz radiation at the ELBE.
