Topic(题目): Three-dimensional Radiation Transport Algorithm for Inertial Fusion Energy Research
Speaker(报告人):Rafael Ramis教授(西班牙马德里理工大学)
Date(时间): 7月17日上午9:00-11:00
Contact Person(联系人):颜学庆(
A radiation transport algorithm suitable for Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) research is presented. Although it can be applied to the study of other types of IFE targets, it is specially conceived for Indirect Drive hohlraum targets, in which radiation transport plays a main role. Special attention has been paid to special IFE requirements. (i) handling of complex three-dimensional geometries, with very high contrasts in physical magnitudes, (ii) smooth transition between optically thin and optically thick regimes, both always present in hohlraum targets, and (iii) high angular resolution, essential to accurately calculate irradiation uniformity in fuel capsules. The effectiveness and precision of the algorithm is demonstrated by its application to various benchmark radiation problems.
Rafael Ramis 教授,1955年出生,西班牙马德里理工大学“惯性聚变和等离子体物理系”终身教授,国际著名的惯性聚变理论和数值模拟专家,国际著名的开源辐射磁流体力学MULTI 程序的发明人。MULTI程序包括包括一维MULTI-IFE、二维MULTI-2D和三维MULTI-3D三个版本。Ramis 教授开发的MULTI程序目前在国内外等从事惯性聚变和激光等离子体研究的主要实验室得到了广泛应用。