Topic (题目): Nucleon Form Factors from Dispersion Theory
Speaker (报告人):Ulf-G. Mei?ner
(Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University Bonn, Germany;Director at IKP (Nuclear Theory), FZ Juelich, Germany)
Date (时间): 2015年4月2日(周四)上午9:30
Place (地点): 北京大学加速器楼408室
Abstract (摘要):
Dispersion relations are arguably the best tool to unravel the physics encoded in the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon from small to large momentum transfer. The central object of the discussion are the spectral functions that encode the perturbative and non-perturbative physics of the nucleon structure. In this talk, I introduce the underlying concepts and discuss the evolution of these dispersive fits during the last few decades. The proton radius is discussed in view of recent seemingly contradicting data. Finally, new results for the form factors in the time-like region close to the two-nucleon threshold are presented.
Contact person (联系人):孟杰(