报告题目: From finite nuclei to the crust of neutron stars
报告人: Professor Anatoli Afanasjev
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Mississippi State University, USA)
时间: 5月11日(周五)下午15:00
地点: 北京大学物理学院西 213 会议室
What are the limits of the existence of nuclei? What are the highest proton
numbers Z at which the nuclear landscape and periodic table of chemical
elements cease to exist? How many neutrons a nucleus with given Z can hold?
What exotic shapes can we face in the nuclear chart? How the nuclei behave
in extreme conditions of neutron stars? What is the composition of the crust
of neutron stars? These deceivably simple questions are extremely difficult to
answer. However, all of them are in the focus of the present efforts of nuclear
physics and nuclear astrophysics communities and will remain there for many
years to come.
In my presentation, I will try to outline possible answers on these questions
obtained in our recent studies within the covariant density functional theory.
I will start with the discussion of basic principles of this theory. Then I will
focus on the clusterization in light nuclei and on microscopic origin of this
phenomenon. This will be followed by the analysis of superheavy Z = 100−126
and hyperheavy Z > 126 nuclei and related physics issues. Next, I will consider
the behavior of the nuclei in the crust of neutron stars. Finally, I will discuss
the variation of the composition of the crust of neutron stars with depth. The
later results were obtained in state-of-the-art network calculations including all
possible nuclear reactions which can take place in the environment of interest.