Title(题目): Nuclear single particle strength studied with (p,d) reactions
Speaker (报告人): 庞丹阳 (北京航空航天大学)
Contact Person(联系人):楼建玲(jllou@pku.edu.cn)
The population of a nucleon in an atomic nucleus, which is of a finite many-body quantum system, is not only determined by the mean field exerted on the nucleon from all other nucleons, but also by the residue interactions, or the correlations between this nucleon and other individual nucleons. Without or insufficient treatment of the nucleon-nucleon correlations, predictions of traditional nuclear shell model cannot account well for the single particle structure of atomic nuclei. We study two subjects with this respect, 1) the amplitudes of high-lying single particle components in the ground or low-lying excited states of atomic nuclei, and 2) the reduction of the single particle strength with respect to traditional shell model calculations and its dependence on the proton-neutron asymmetry of atomic nuclei. Both subjects are studied with (p,d) reactions. Our results suggest that 1) amplitudes of high-lying single particle components can be extracted from experimental data when coupled-reaction-channel analysis is made for (p,d) reactions[1]and 2) the reduction of single particle strength has no or very little dependence on the proton-neutron asymmetry[2], which contradict with the results obtained with knockout reactions but agree with more recent analysis (p,pn) or (p,pp) reactions and ab-initio calculations.
[1] Y. P. Xu, D. Y. Pang*, X. Y. Yun et al., Phys. Rev. C 98, 044622 (2018).
[2] Y. P. Xu, D. Y. Pang*, X. Y. Yun et al., Phys. Lett. B 790, 308 (2019).
Dr. Pang Danyang received his PhD degree from Peking University in 2007. After postdocs at GANIL and Peking University, he got a position at Beihang University in 2011. He is now working on theories of direct nuclear reactions and few-body nuclear reactions.