报告人:迟玉洁 助理教授 (美国德州大学阿灵顿分校)
报告时间: 2017年11月27日(周一)下午3:30
报告地点: 北京大学物理学院南楼408
迟玉洁,2009年本科毕业于山东大学,2014年获北京大学理论物理所博士学位。2014至2017年在美国德州大学西南医学中心(UTSW) 从事医学物理博士后研究工作。2017年9月受聘德州大学阿灵顿分校物理系,任助理教授 (tenure tracked)。在UTSW期间,开发了基于GPU和参数化几何的高性能粒子输运蒙卡算法,在剂量沉积、锥形束成像和正电子成像方面得到了实际应用。开发了用于高危前列腺癌病人临床试验的3D肿瘤移动追踪,4D剂量计算和自适应计划的完整支持系统,以及用于肝癌治疗的6D肿瘤移动追踪技术。在PMB等专业期刊发表和将发表SCI论文8篇,会议文章11篇,国际会议报告6次。
Radiotherapy, a physics enriched technique, is a major treatment modality for cancer. About 2/3 of cancer patients receive radiotherapy nowadays. Radiotherapy shrink tumors and kill cancer cells through DNA damage — single strand break (SSB) and double strand break (DSB), while the damage can be quantified by the physical/ biological dose of radiation.? To enhance the tumor local control rate, one critical goal of radiation is to escalate dose for the targeted area while sparing the surrounding normal organs at risk (OARs). However, beam delivery uncertainties induced by the complex radiation procedures makes it challengeable even nowadays. In this talk, research studies focusing on the accurate radiotherapy will be presented from three aspects: the application of the Monte Carlo simulation in the dose calculation and imaging process, 3D tumor motion tracking and heavy ion beam verification.